
ResilientMe, Inc. offers IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback (MCN) services to children, adults, athletes and employers. It is a safe and gentle, non-drug brainwave technology. MCN is used by people who have had concussions, endure high levels of stress, athletic or academic performance demands, suffer with anxiety, headaches, difficulty with attention, focus, concentration, PTSD, addiction and chronic pain. Many clients report improvement within the first three sessions. Why so many benefits? The brain is the "command and control" center for the body. When refreshed, or rebooted, good things happen to both the brain and the body.

Linda Edwards, RN, MSN holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania. She has extensive experience in finding solutions to health and wellness challenges from all sources, especially safe and effective products, services and technologies. Linda’s philosophy is simple: she is only interested in things that work. Her experience includes not only clinical practice but also managing Human Capital Health Management programs for Fortune 100 companies.
Linda is a Certified Level II IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback Practitioner
IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback has impressive credentials. It was studied at the UC San Diego Neuroradiology Lab and published in the peer-reviewed journal Brain Injury. Based on the impressive results of the pilot study, the research team was awarded additional funding for a Veterans Administration Merit Study. Not only is this technology remarkable, but so were the credentials and the hearts of the team of medical professionals. We knew we wanted to be a part of this cutting edge and compassionate team. ResilientMe, Inc. is proud to be the first IASIS MCN provider in the New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia metropolitan area. Linda is licensed to